Friday, February 19, 2016

Descriptive Paragraphs

Me and Mama wrote descriptive paragraphs.  We got the idea from a book called Write Source.  We learned about writing the topic sentence, the body sentences and the closing sentence, and we learned about using sensory details.  A sensory detail is a detail that comes from the five senses (but not always taste).

This Book Makes A Splash
     My favorite book, Matilda, is as exciting as swimming with dolphins.  The turn of pages sounds like the flapping of the dolphins' flippers.  The words are placed as perfectly as spots of sunshine coming through the waves.  The smooth cover feels like their skin.  And Matilda always seems to be smiling, just like dolphins.  When I am reading my favorite book, I always feel like I am on an exciting adventure.

"Book...stop....not again...seriously, book, stop....."  "Cannonball!"  Splash.

                                                                                                                            -Caroline P.

Daylily Daughter
     My nine-year-old daughter reminds me of a daylily garden on a July afternoon.  She wears bright, colorful outfits and sometimes rainbow-colored elastics at the ends of her braids.  When she tells me about a funny part of a book she's reading, or describes a game she is playing with her younger sister or her friends, it sounds like the cheerful chattering of wrens in the treetops.  When she cuddles with me in bed in the morning, she's as warm as summer sunshine and as soft as daylily petals.  And when she actually gets around to taking a shower, her hair smells sweet like the center of a lily's fragrant bloom.  Even though I know she's actually a girl, I still sometimes wonder if she's partly made of sunshine, chattery birds, and colorful flower blossoms.

                                                                                                                             -Meg P.

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