Monday, March 14, 2016

Faraway Friend, page one -- by Caroline P.

     I look down at my feet dangling above the ground, then I peek through the leaves of the tree I'm sitting in, and look waaaaaaaaay down the street.
     "No mail truck yet," I whisper to myself.
     My letter from my pen pal, Sydney, should get here soon, and I am super excited.  I love getting letters from her.  She always tells me awesome stuff, and one time, she even sent me a picture of herself (I sent a copy of my school picture back to her).  And, another time, she sent me a seashell from her collection, so I could start my own seashell collection.  I can't wait to get a letter from Sydney so I can tell her about my new sea dollar.  It has purple and brown patterns all over it.  One of the patterns is shaped like a heart, and another is shaped like a teddy bear.
     I peek through the leaves again, and this time, I see the mail truck.
     "Yay!" I yell, jumping down from the tree.  The mail truck stops, and the mailman puts the mail in the mailbox.  I run to the mailbox and grab the mail inside.  I flip through it.  Two pieces catch my eye.  One is pink with purple pots.  On the envelope it says that it is from P.  "P" is a girl who goes to my school.  She loves (and I mean LOVES!) the letter p.  Her favorite colors start with p.  And when she chooses her birthday card invitation envelopes she chooses plain pink or purple ones, then she draws something that starts with "p" on them.  This time it was pots.  Anyway, the other one is from Sydney!
     I almost fly inside.  I can't wait to open my mail!  I run into my room and open P's letter.  As it turns out, I am invited to P's pink pea party.  It is on Saturday from three to five.  I check my calendar.  I have nothing planned for Saturday.  But if Mom has something planned, it's "bye, bye pink pea party."
     "Mom!" I yell.  "Do you have anything planned for Saturday?"
     Mom answers just how I wanted her to.  She says, "No, I don't, Kelly."
     When I ask her if I can go to P's house for a party, she says that I can.  I mark my calendar.
     Then I open my letter from Sydney.  I pull out the mail.  It says:

Dear Kelly,

How is it going?  Over here, life's good.  I have 20 seashells in my collection.  How many do you have in yours?  I have a new pet rabbit, and she is super cute.  She is as white as the clouds!  
Bye-bye for now,

Sydney also sent me a photo.  I look at it.  I see her, and a white rabbit.  Sydney is right, the rabbit is cute.

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