Sunday, March 13, 2016

Wolves and More Wolves—Chapter One: Wolf by Liz Genie

This is the first installment of Liz's book Wolves and More Wolves. Please enjoy, and leave comments if you like.

Chapter One

“Cecilia, do your chores!”

“But, Mom!” Cecilia Wolf complained.

Cecilia was twelve years old, but she complained a lot.

“No buts!” her mother snapped. “Now do it.”

“Fine,” Cecilia whined.

Cecelia knew where her chore list was. It was on top of her mother's desk.

I wish I didn't have to do chores after school, Cecelia thought.

She read the list:

Make your bed.
Switch the laundry.
Clean the dishes.
Clean the litter box.
Organize the closet.

She stared a the list. It wasn't the litter box that got her. It was the closet. The closet was where Cecelia's father stored his guns.  

They lived in the woods, so there were lots of bears and wolves. Since Cecelia's last name was Wolf, they were her number one fear. After she had done her first four chores, she walked into the closet. It was a walk-in closet, and there was a small window. Cecelia looked out the window. What she saw made her squeal.


  1. I like your story. I think the last part makes you want to read what's next. I hope you will write more soon! --Caroline P.

  2. Thanks, I will post the next chapter very soon. -Liz Genie
