Thursday, October 12, 2017

Where I'm From-Inspired by George Ella Lyons

Where I'm From
by Caroline Peery
Inspired by George Ella Lyons

 I am from Takodah,
from birthdays with family.
 I am from the maple
in my front yard,
 From Emily Dickinson
and Anne of Green Gables.
 I am from brownies and ice cream,
from Lily and Kathryn,
 Josie and Ellie,
Henry and Daniel,
 Emma and Isla.
 I am from trees never climbed
books never finished,
 and drawings hung up on my wall.


  1. Caroline, love your Where I'm From poem! I have read a number of Where I'm From poems inspired by George Ella Lyons, and I've also written at least one myself. I like the format, and I like what I learned from reading yours.
