Sunday, October 8, 2017


This is the introduction of a fictionalized version of the story of Romulus and Remus (the founders of Rome) that I've been writing.

   The king had been kicked off his throne, his daughter thrown in prison.  His daughter, the princess Silvia, was not allowed to marry, for fear she would have a son, a son who would learn that he was the rightful king.  But a god came down from the heavens, a god who helped her have sons, twin boy whom they named Romul and Remu.  When the new king found out, he was enraged! He ordered his servant to kill the babies.  But the servant felt sorry for the two baby boys, and took them to the river Tiber, where she put them in a basket and pushed them into the water.  The tired, crying babies washed ashore hours later.  The small babies cried hard.  This is how the she-wolf found them.  She brought the babies to her den.  She raised them in her den with her pups, and that is where our story begins.

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